Friday, May 28, 2010

Samuel, Age 9

Samuel-Hebrew for "Heard of God".

Before there was a Bob in my life, there was a Samuel in my heart. I didn't "know" him yet, but I knew I would someday have a son named Samuel. Bob signed on knowing this quirky clause in his contract. He agreed to it on the night he proposed to me.

I knew from the first time I read the Bible story about the prophet Samuel in the Old Testament that I would someday have a son named Samuel. And I prayed, even as a brand-new believer, a sixteen year old not-even-dating girl, that my son would grow up and say, like his namesake, "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening."

Our Samuel is a servant. An eager, first one to say, "Okay Mommy" kind of boy. He makes me smile.

Samuel is our firstborn son. A prayer answered 14 years after it was first prayed. Each of our daughter's were named Samuel until we met them. And thought better of it. We didn't know before they were born that they would be girls. We knew our twins were both boys. I rejoiced the day we discovered that happy news.We would have TWO sons! And we already knew one of their names. 

Samuel came barrelling out me 21 minutes before his brother. No matter what the doctors tried to do to keep him inside. Samuel had had enough of sharing space with his womb mate. Aidan was wiggly and active and had a really hard kick. Even I knew that and I was on the outside. Samuel wanted out. I don't blame him for coming early.

My first and very quick glimpse of him revealed that he was a WHITE BOY. And I mean WHITE! He looked like a skinny porcelain doll with a long, Roman nose. It wasn't until I saw them hours later side by side hooked up in the NCIU that I learned that one twin had taken most of the red blood cells. It wasn't Samuel. To this day, Samuel is fair-skinned while his brother has his daddy's dark skin.

Samuel is a big, strapping boy now. He wears a man-size shoe and is a head taller and quite a few pounds heavier than his twin. But he started out small...6 pounds 5 ounces. I remember asking the doctor if I would break them, they appeared so fragile and tiny. But Samuel was a hard-core eater and he made up for lost time baking in the oven. He still can EAT!

It didn't take long for Samuel to catch up to his "due date" age. He walked early, ran early, rode his bike without training wheels before he was four. And his first, and only word for a long time, was ball. He loves all things that have to do with sports or being active. He is a lot like his daddy.

Maybe that is why I like him so much. And I have had a head start understanding what makes him tick--I've been with his daddy for more than half my life. I understand his tender heart, his eagerness to serve and help, his loyalty and dependability. He is very hard-working and just. I love all those things about him.

I continue to pray the same prayer I began before I even met him nine years ago: that Samuel would grow up to say to His Lord, "Speak, for your servant is listening."

Momma loves you, sweet Samuel boy! You are wonderful. :)

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