Friday, May 28, 2010

Aidan, Age 9

Nine years ago today, my husband and my mom were arguing and trying to convince me to "pinch it off" so that one of our twins would be born on May 27 and the other on May 28. That way each of them would have a kid to share their birthdays with. They thought that sounded like fun. You know, just stall my labor for another 6 hours so that my mom and my husband would have the birthday dates they liked. Yeah. Well. Needless to say, this cutie patootie was born at 6:15pm on May 27th. His twin brother arrived 21 minutes earlier. Both of them born on my Mom's birthday. At least one of them was happy.

Aidan came into the world squirming and ready to run. Footling breech, his right leg was the first part of him to make an appearance in our lives. Oh, that tiny little foot! Now it is a size 4.5. Then the rest of his skinny, red body slimed out. Red because he had "stolen" all the red blood cells in the placenta so he was really, really red. And tiny. 5 lbs 11 ounces and almost 7 weeks early. All our other babies had been BIG! Here was this itty-bitty red baby who had to be pulled out by the thigh. He had a man's handprint on his thigh. No joke! The doctor helped in his arrival without the scalpel (thank you, God!) but with his hand.

I did not get to hold or cuddle him right away. He was whisked away to the NCIU. But as soon as I did meet him, I knew that I could love a son just as much as our daughters. Amazing. Even if it would be months before he would make eye-contact, (preemies oftentimes don't make eye contact) it was love at first sight.

And my love for this wiggly, squirmy, active, zealous, energetic, wildly creative, witty kid has been growing ever since. He is the only one of our 5 kids that I don't clearly understand. The rest of them I "get", you know. Aidan constantly stretches me, surprises me and amazes me. My constant prayer is to stay a step ahead of his lightening-quick mind. I am not always successful. But oh the stories he provides us with! He keeps us all guessing and laughing. I love that about him.

Bob and I used to pray that he would survive to celebrate his 2nd birthday. And here it is, today is  his 9th! Nine more to go until he is on his own. Now our prayer is that WE would survive the next 9!

Just joking.

Aidan--Irish for "Little Fire".

A word from the (sometimes) wise: Be mindful of what you name your child. :)

I look forward to all this year has for my sweet Aidan-boy. Watching how God is going to use each and every unique inch of that wonderful boy, I expect lots of twists and turns. And laughter.

You are one terrific kid, Aidan. And Momma loves you! :)

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