I keep thinking that someday I will get around to introspectively looking at my life and offering my keen insight here. I will examine the ordinary events of my days and make some meaningful observations. Some truths that God is sharing with me. Seeing the Big Picture and including that perspective here. Afterall, my favorite bloggers do just that--they share what they think and feel about their lives not just the summary of their moments.
But "someday" isn't today! I have laundry to do. I readily admit that I barely have time to live my life :) let alone analyze it and offer commentary.
So I offer this to you with no deeper insight:
Peter just stepped out of his bath and I was toweling him off and tickling him. I wrapped my arms around his little body and told him that I thought he was going to have small bones like his daddy. He gaped at me, and responded with bulging eyes:
"My Daddy is not small. He's HUUUUUGE!" (awwwh! a child's perspective!)
I giggled.
"He is strong. So am I. I can take down Samuel while we are wrestling on the trampoline. I have the POWER!"
I listened.
"I have the POWER!".
Okay. I waited for him to explain. Though I confess that I did laugh and was actually eagerly awaiting his answer. Three year olds crack me up!
"I went hiking with Jordan and Stephen and I drank Powerade. So now I have the POWER!"
I am not making any of this stuff up. It would be great if I can make some spiritual application or glean from his wisdom, but I just chuckled instead. And I offer his advice to you:
"You can drink Powerade too."
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