This isn't going to be an on-going post. So don't get excited . But I couldn't resist the alliteration. And this blog is called "of weirdos and eccentrics". Which, by the way, I will someday explain. It really does have an interesting explanation. Or a weird one. Whichever adjective you prefer.
Anyhow, here is my weird picture. You know what they say: "a picture is worth a thousand words"? Well, I often times (okay, mostly always) talk too much, trying to convince or cajole or make someone chuckle. So in a exercise of learning to talk less and listen more, I offer this photo. Which really explains a lot about my life. Without the thousand words.
Note: No Aidans were harmed in the taking of this photo. He did eventually escape from his self-inflicted entrapment. All by himself. Following my wise momma's advice: "YOU got yourself into that mess, YOU get yourself out!"