Thursday, March 4, 2010

Snowy Day

I have a crummy camera. I am not photographer (obviously!). I forget to take pictures (often!).
But I got these great (though blurry!) photos.
Lake Arrowhead with the Nelson Family
 February 2010

And NO! Kady, I won't be sharing the toilet incident here.
That story will remain our little secret! :)
I don't care if I tell the story wrong when I am old!


  1. Love these photos! What a fun trip we had. Let's go again this summer and no toilet issues I promise - it was the house's fault.

  2. Looks like fun!!!! I love the first pic of Reilly, she looks like she was LOVING it! I want to hear about the toilet issues. I want to join the next trip because I am always having toilet issues so I will fit right in.
